My school is all about healthy living and habits, life skills, and improving ourselves and our relationships. This can happen is all aspects of life, and my school will focus on the areas of expertise I've found to be most helpful to people - and which people have requested most from me over the years!

Discover more about yourself, why you do things, and what's truly important to you. Then prepare to discover possibilities of a better you, better relationships, and better future that we've crafted together.

Aaron Potratz

Hi, I’m Aaron Potratz, Licensed Professional Counselor in Oregon.

I've been a therapist since 2007 and a Clinical Supervisor (supervising other counselors) since 2015. I am also a small business owner of two companies, one of which I co-own with my business partner. I love helping people learn and growth personally and professionally.

I love breaking things down into understandable pieces using visuals and examples to make them easier to grasp. I also love helping people better understand themselves, learn new skills, and deeper their relationships.

I'm very excited to take what I've taught to hundreds of people in my office to this platform so you can learn and grow - from the comfort of your own environment!