Getting To Know Your Values
Section Introduction
In this section, I'll introduce you to an exercise you can do to get to know what your values are so that you can gain clarity on where your values and actions may be out of alignment.
Doing this values exercise can help you understand who you are and what you value in life as your top priorities. This is important because these values are the foundation underneath your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
It's also important because when setting boundaries, knowing your values will help you:
- be more motivated to set them,
- know why you are setting them,
- know what you are protecting,
- and be confident in backing them up.
Take time to watch the video then do the values card sort (see Handout section below) yourself to determine your values.
VIDEO: Getting to know your values
HANDOUT: Personal Values Card Sort
Courtesy of University of New Mexico:
Personal Values Card Sort.pdf